Former Central Historical Fire Station Projects

In 2017 CPA funds were requested to support the Ayer Community & Economic Development Department (AOCED) in their efforts to restore the historical aspects of the roof, stepped gables and the cupola of the Central Fire Station for the benefit of the town and retain its historical presence in the downtown area. Total fund request for this project was $30,000.
In 2018, the new owner of the Historic 1934 Ayer Central Fire Station, Cowfield Station LLC (Mr. Calvin Moore) requested a total of $190,000 of CPA funds to help support the restoration of the historic building ($40,000) and to help support the creation of six (6) affordable rental units at this location ($150,000).
The beautiful & original Colonial-Revival Cupola has been specifically examined by professional contractors, and it has been determined to remove the Cupola from the roof in order to complete a full and proper restoration/preservation of the Cupola which will be placed back on the roof when restored. Cowfield Station LLC will be removing hazardous asbestos material & lead paint from the interior of the building. The (AOCED) is preparing to engage in the pursuit of a US Dept. of HUD CDBG Grant for Jan./Feb 2019 which would fund a substantial portion of the comprehensive redevelop of the significant historic building & would provide for the construction of high-quality affordable residential units going into 2019. The historical preservation work will be done in accordance with the Secretary of the Interior's standards.