Ayer Community Dog Park Update

December 20, 2016

 The design and permitting for the Ayer Community Dog Park is well underway. The Town received a generous grant from the Stanton Foundation that covers the design cost and 90% of the construction cost. The park is located on Snake Hill Road, between Fox Run Drive and the MBTA tracks on a parcel donated by the Pingry Hill developers.

Here is the status of the project:

  • The project is being designed by CDM-Smith of Boston who have designed many similar dog parks.
  • The park is fenced and  includes a large dog area, a small dog area, benches, water, and a small covered shade structure. See attached plan.
  • The design plans are nearing completion and will be submitted to the Stanton Foundation for design review and approval.
  • The DPW is preparing the Wetlands Permit for the Ayer Conservation Commission since the project is adjacent to wetlands.
  • We are planning to bid the project over the winter and start construction in the spring.
  • The Town will need to form “Friends of Ayer Dog Park” group that will help manage the park. We need a core group to get the ball rolling. If you are interested in joining the group, let me know.

Questions? Contact Mark Wetzel at the Ayer DPW 978-772-8240 or email mwetzel@ayer.ma.us