Please Conserve Water

Important Notice

Please Conserve Water

The Ayer DPW is dedicated to providing a reliable water supply today and protecting that supply for the future.  In order to safeguard the Town’s drinking water resources, the State requires Water Conservation measures beginning May 1st thru September 30th of each year.  The Town is asking everyone to conserve water and comply with the following Outdoor Water Use Restrictions:

  • Mandatory – no outside water use between 9 AM and 5 PM
  • Mandatory - Odd / Even Outside Water Restriction (even numbered street address water on even numbered dates and odd numbered addresses on odd numbered dates)
  • Voluntary - curb outside water use and conserve water as much as possible
  • Voluntary  - no outside water use on Sundays

The Ayer DPW will be monitoring outside water use and will be enforcing the mandatory water restrictions, including ticketing / fines / water shut-off for violations.

Do the right thing and help us conserve our water supply!

Kimberly Abraham, Water and Sewer Superintendent; 978-774-8240 –