Pleasant Street Paving from Taft Street to Dead End

October 13th through October 19th
image of road paving


Pleasant Street Paving from Taft Street to Dead End - October 13th through October 19th

The Ayer DPW will be repaving Pleasant Street from Taft Street to the dead end beginning on Thursday October 13th.This will involve pavement reclaiming and grading on Thursday October 13th and pavement will be installed on October 18th or 19th (weather permitting). The road will be accessible to local residents during construction (7 AM and 5 PM), however it is advisable to seek alternate routes if possible. There will be police officers on site to direct traffic and signs indicating the detour route. There will be varying road conditions, so please travel with caution.

If you have any questions, please contact the Department of Public Works at 978-772-8240.