Article 13

In preparation for the Annual Town Meeting on April 22, 2024, at 7pm in the Ayer Shirley Regional High School Auditorium, the Town will be publishing the “Articles of the Day” to provide further information on each of the Town Meeting Warrant Articles.  Each day, the Town will feature two to four Town Meeting Warrant Articles with a brief summary explanation of each Article. 

For more information about Town Meeting, click here.

For any questions about the Town Meeting or the Town Meeting Warrant, please do not hesitate to contact the Town Manager at 978-772-8220 or at  Thank you.

Article 13:  GASB-45/OPEB (Post-Employment Benefits Fund):  This Article funds the Town’s OPEB (Post-Employment Benefits) Fund in the total amount of $300,000 of which $165,000 comes from the Town’s local meals tax and $135,000 comes from Free Cash.  The funding of this Article is per the Town’s Financial Policies.