Face Masks

Monday, December 14, 2020

Dear All Town Hall Personnel,

Greetings and good afternoon.  I hope that this email finds you well.

As many of you are aware, as of 6pm on Thursday, December 10, 2020 the Massachusetts Department of Public Health has categorized the Town of Ayer as a RED Community which means the Town of Ayer is at high risk for COVID-19 infection and transmission.  This has been the result of a national, state, and regional trend of increasing COVID-19 positive cases over the last several weeks. 

We need to be vigilant with respect to wearing masks; adhering to social distancing (at least 6 feet apart); frequent handwashing; and frequent sanitization of work spaces, equipment, and/or vehicles.  I have recently received various concerns of individuals not adhering to the appropriate mask and/or social distancing protocols when working in the Town Hall. 

Therefore, the following is UPDATE #1 (updates highlighted in RED) regarding the “Town of Ayer:  Mask/Face Covering Requirement and Protocols at Town Hall” (originally issued on December 4, 2020; see email below):

  • Please remember and adhere to wearing masks when in all common areas of the Town Hall (hallways; Great Hall; break room; copier area; mail room etc.).  Remember that the mask/face covering must be covering your mouth and nose.    Additionally, please remember that the current State Mask Order requires individuals to wear masks/face coverings when outside on public property which includes streets and sidewalks as well as the outside grounds of all municipal buildings.  Finally, please remember social distancing and adhere to at least 6 feet apart.
  • When in ANY common areas of the Town Hall (including outside on public property including streets and sidewalks) please wear a mask/face covering.
  • If you do not have an appropriate mask/face covering, the Town will provide you with a disposable mask. 
  • When not in your Office by yourself, please wear a mask/face covering.  Specifically, if there is more than one person in your Office, please wear a mask/face covering
  • An employee returning to work after completing a 7 or 10 day quarantine as stated in the “Town of Ayer COVID-19 Return to Work Guidelines UPDATE #1 dated December 11, 2020” MUST wear a mask at all times while at work until the 14 day active monitoring period is completed.
  • These updates for UPDATE #1 go into effect on Tuesday, December 15, 2020 at 8am.

I realize that this is a lot of new information that is constantly changing but so is the COVID-19 Pandemic.  As the number of COVID-19 cases have increased in Ayer and we are now a RED Community, we must all continue to do everything we can to keep everyone safe and healthy.  I want to thank you all for your continued efforts to ensure the health and safety of all of your colleagues and the public.  We continue to make great progress over the almost 9 months since COVID-19 started. 

If you have any questions regarding this UPDATE #1 to the Town Hall Mask/Face Covering Requirement and Protocols, please do not hesitate to contact Kevin or my Office.

Please stay safe and stay healthy.

Thank you.



Robert A. Pontbriand
Town Manager