Conservation Commission

Event Date: 
Thursday, July 8, 2021 - 7:00pm


Ayer Town Hall
1 Main Street
Ayer, MA 01432
United States

This meeting/hearing of the Ayer Conservation Commission will be held in-person at the location provided on this notice. Members of the public are welcome to attend this in-person meeting. Please note that while on option for remote attendance and/or participation is being provided as a courtesy to the public, the meeting/hearing will not be suspended or terminated if technological problems interrupt the virtual broadcast, unless otherwise required by law. Members of the public with particular interest in a specific item on this agenda should make plans for in-person vs. virtual attendance accordingly. Zoom information for this meeting con be obtained by contacting Jo-Anne Crystoff,  Conservation Administrator, at or 978-772-8220 x143.  This meeting will be recorded and air on Channel 8 and the following day.